Wednesday, May 8, 2024

CCNP ENCOR Exam Cram - Authentication and Authorization

One of the important objectives of CCNP ENCOR exam is the security aspects of networking. In this blog article, we discuss about CCNP ENCOR Security aspects with respect to AAA, which stands for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.

Authentication and authorization using AAA

Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) is a security framework used to manage user access to network resources. AAA can be used to authenticate users, authorize access to specific resources, and log activities for auditing purposes.

To configure AAA on a Cisco device, the following steps can be taken:

1. Configure the authentication method(s) to be used, such as local authentication or an external authentication server like RADIUS or TACACS+.

For example, to configure local authentication, use the following commands:

aaa new-model

aaa authentication login default local

username <username> password <password>

To configure RADIUS authentication, use the following commands:

aaa new-model

radius-server host <ip_address> key <shared_secret>

aaa authentication login default group radius local

2. Configure the authorization method to be used. This specifies the level of access that users have to network resources.

For example, to configure local authorization, use the following commands:

aaa authorization exec default local

To configure RADIUS authorization, use the following commands:

aaa authorization exec default group radius local

3. Configure the accounting method to be used. This logs user activities for auditing purposes

For example, to configure local accounting, use the following commands:

aaa accounting exec default start-stop local

To configure RADIUS accounting, use the following commands:

aaa accounting exec default start-stop group radius

After configuring AAA, the device will prompt users to authenticate before they can access any resources. The level of access that users have will be determined by the authorization method configured, and their activities will be logged for auditing purposes if accounting is also configured.

For complete exam notes on CCNP ENCOR, please checkout, a home for exam notes and cram notes.

Other available exam notes include CCNP ENARSI exam notes, and CCNA exam study notes.

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